Creating street smart dogs through concrete relationships.

City Sniffers Founder and Lead Trainer Andrea Leach holds a CPDT-KA certification from the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT). She utilizes a rewards-based positive reinforcement training method to foster a strong bond between dog and guardian. Her goal is to create happy, confident dogs whose default behavior is positive and cooperative. Andrea firmly believes that a respectful, relationship-first approach is the key to achieving the best-friend dynamic so many dog guardians desire.


  • Rewards Based Training is a training method that utilizes positive reinforcement to reward your dog for demonstrating desirable behaviors. A reward is usually a treat, but it could also be praise, play time, or access to a favorite toy. “But what if my dog has a lot of UNdesirable behaviors?” Dog’s don’t have the cognitive ability to apply a moral judgement on behavior - they simply engage in behaviors that get them closer to what they want or farther from what they don’t want. My job is to first help you understand WHY your dog thinks their undesirable behavior (from a human POV) is totally reasonable. Then, we work together to show your dog a different way to be, and make them feel REALLY great about choosing the new, desirable behavior through rewards.

  • The Short Answer: It depends!

    The Long Answer: You (probably) didn’t learn to read in an afternoon, so it’s no surprise that it takes more than one or two sessions to teach our dogs new skills or overcome ingrained behavior challenges. Training and relationship building is a lifelong commitment. Through working together, we’ll be able to help you set reasonable progress expectations. Ultimately, our goal is to equip you with the knowledge, techniques and tools you need to better understand your dog and feel empowered to continue training on your own. The biggest compliment we could receive is “Wow, I get it now! I’ve got it from here.”

    But we’re always glad to provide continued support and guidance along your journey!

  • If you grew up with a dog in the ‘burbs or in the country, it’s not your imagination that raising a dog in the city feels exponentially more difficult! City Dog training is on X-games mode and not for the faint of heart. Most dog training information available online or in books is catered to dogs that live in a house, with a yard, and who might see 2 or 3 other neighborhood dogs in a day. City Sniffers specializes in Urban Dog Ownership and will help guide City Dog guardians through the unique challenges faced when living in a metropolitan environment.

  • Short answer: no.

    Long Answer: NOOOOOOOOOO.

    “Alpha Theory” as it relates to dog training was co-opted from a long since de-bunked study done on wolves in captivity and has no scientific basis in dog cognition or behavior. Not only has the scientist responsible for the study (performed in 1947) since disavowed his experiment, DOGS ARE NOT WOLVES. It’s been nearly 30,000 years since our domestic companions branched off from their closest wolf ancestor, and in that time they have developed unique traits that make them extremely compatible with living alongside humans.

    The idea that you need to dominate or “show your dog who’s boss” is, at its core, nonsense. Dogs are not wild animals that need to be tamed, they are domestic animals that thrive with confident guidance, structure, patience and care.

    We want to create dogs who listen because they trust, not because they are afraid of what will happen if they don’t.